Post-Adoption Procedures
Retrieval Of Original Paperwork
Originally, airport immigration needed original documents such as photographs, church certificates and the like. These can be reclaimed by filing, a notarized USCIS Form G-884, with two forms of ID. No filing fee is charged. These are sent to the USCIS office which processed the child's immigration, if your child entered the U.S. on an IR-4 visa. Otherwise, if your child entered on an IR-3 visa contact the Buffalo NY, USCIS office at 716-843-7903. For retrieval of original birth certificates use Form G-639.
Health Checkups
Per the Center for Disease Control, Giardiasis is a waterborne protozoan parasite and common cause of intestinal disease in all parts of the world. The highest risk seen is in the youngest children. All newly arriving immigrant children from highly endemic countries should be health checked, including microscopy on fecal specimen, regardless if they have no gastrointestinal complaints, if not so checked first overseas.
This a state side legal proceeding to document your parent child relationship. If your child entered the U.S. on an IR-4 visa then this procedure is mandatory to complete the adoption process. The visa entry designation will be stamped on the child's passport. Some state courts require post-placement visits or the updating of some documents. Other states appoint notaries to issue Certificates of Foreign Birth. This process enables the child to obtain a state birth certificate, receive inheritance rights and to make a legal name change, and it acts as a bar to state court challenges to the child's legal status. We recommend this should be done with all foreign child adoptions.
Birth Certificates
A state birth certificate is far easier and cheaper to replace than that of a foreign country. Certified copies are often needed for school enrollment, sports participation, to verify correct name spelling, the identity of the parents and the like. Complete the re-adoption process before procuring the new birth certificate and make it part of the same process. If you don't re-adopt, then apply with the original adoption papers through the requisite state office.
Certificate Of Citizenship
This document is often required to apply for college or private high school scholarships, overseas work, work in government or obtaining of a U.S. passport. This can be obtained through the USCIS with the requisite fee, photographs and other required documentation.
Health Insurance
Adoptive children can be placed on parental health insurance policies even if the court procedures are not finalized. It is premature to determine what changes or requirements will be implemented under the new national healthcare law commonly known as "Obamacare."
Adopted Child Name Change
If the adoption process stopped short of changing your child's name or there is a misspelling you need to file in state court for this correction. It is faster and cheaper than trying to again deal with the foreign country's courts and adoption agencies.
Obtain a U.S. passport for your child so each time you travel outside our country you won't have to explain why he or she has a different country passport or take the original adoption papers with you.