Green Cards for Illegal Aliens
The USCIS allows Green Cards for Aliens who entered the USA illegally under two specific circumstances:
First a Green Card may be provided that they are married to a U.S. citizen Spouse/Lawful Permanent Resident or have a U.S. citizen/Lawful Permanent Resident/Parent who can act as a “Qualified Relative”. Once approved the Alien will have to return home to his/her home country to be Consular Processed for the Green Card.
Generally, this returning home of the Alien creates a Bar to Re-Entry into the United States for up to ten years.
To overcome this Bar to Re-Entry the Alien must first obtain a Waiver of this restriction. To do so the Qualifying Relative must demonstrate that he/she will suffer Extreme Hardship upon either, the Alien returning to his/her home country or upon that Qualifying Relative having to relocated to that home country. Upon satisfactory proof of this fact the Alien will receive permission to Re-Entry the United States after its Consular Processing is approved.
This method involves a lengthy & detailed Application Process and many supporting documents. Additionally, we prepare a detailed Attorney Brief in Support of the Application and needed Affidavits. Medical records are also often needed to support the Extreme Hardship of the Spouse/Parent.
Second an Alien may still be able to Adjust Status in the United States and get its Green Card without leaving the United States provided the Spouse was or is a member of the U.S. Armed Services.
Both of these methods require Consultation with an attorney to explain in much greater detail the Application Processes involved, the information and documentation needed, the time frame of these procedures, the USCIS & State Department Filing Fees and the Attorney Fees involved.
Our Application Packets of these type of cases generally involve hundreds of submitted pages! We have success with these type of cases in the past. However, every case is different and previous past performance is no indication of future results.